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Sustainable Supply Chain

"increase of utilisation of our transport by 4.5%"


Coca Cola was looking to increase utilisation of their fleet, using TruckLoader application we customised TruckLoader software to better fit their needs and as a result we saw increased utilisation of transport by 4.5%. 

 “As part of the project – Optimization of axial loads on Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV), we used the program TruckLoader – Optimal Cargo Loading. We managed to increase the utilization of our transport by 4.5% thanks to the loading schemes developed using this software. “

maximise transport capacity

OCHAKOVO – No. 1 Russian kvass producer: “We can already observe the usefulness and high efficiency of this software. Its application at our enterprise allows us not only to obtain reasonable recommendations on the optimal loading of large goods vehicles, but also to evaluate the maximum transportation capabilities – taking into account the safety & security of our cargo. From our experience, we note the usefulness of TruckLoader in fleet modernisation.

Load optimisation, Safety & Improved Transportation

Delovye Linii Group is a leading transport and logistics operator in CIS. “We have conducted tests to determine the optimal estimation and compare loading algorithms corresponding to our tasks. Truckloader’s container loading software for LGV’s more than satisfies our requirements. While using the program, loading was optimised, and the safety of fleet and cargo transportation improved.

We saved days of manual intervention

PCBK Group – top tier pulp and paper company in Russia: “The results of TruckLoader implementation at our enterprise:
1. General automation in calculating loading schemes.
2. An increase in the volume of loaded products by 4-6% on average in every third vehicle.
3. We saved days of manual intervention by our employees – before using Truckloader, our employees spent days preparing loading schemes, now it only takes a couple of hours.”

"The Result Is An Increased Average Cargo Mass Transported Per Vehicle."

During the implementation of Truckloader, a custom loading algorithm was developed that meets the specifics and requirements for our goods. All calculations of loading schemes are performed automatically. Applying Truckloader’s container loading software enabled us to eliminate underloads, now vehicles are loaded optimally subject to the maximum permissible axle loads, securing the stability of goods in the semi-trailer even if stacked in several layers. The result is an increased average cargo mass transported per vehicle.

TruckLoader is a very useful tool for everyone in the logistics industry.

“In two years of collaboration, we have been able to see the effectiveness and the benefits of the TruckLoader program. The beneficiaries have been the senders, carriers, and us, the recipients of the load. During this time, the number of vehicles that needed to be reloaded because of incorrect axle load has dropped down to zero. Safety of transported loads increased. The loading scheme proved to be a great tool for the development of new products, its adaptation to our market, and a valid argument in communication with our producers. The program is clear and convenient in use, it not only optimizes loading schemes, but also enables us to correct them. Without a doubt TruckLoader is a very useful tool for everyone in the logistics industry. — Filippo Berio

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Our Sustainability Project with PepsiCo

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