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To ensure the loading process is optimised and effective while gross and axial load control is in place, TruckLoader can be integrated with the information systems used at the company. 

  • Scales – transmitting data on unloaded vehicles. Also, the weighing readings of loaded vehicles can be accounted for in statistics and the estimated data for analysis. Integrations are successfully implemented with CAS and ASI scales.
  • WMS – any system with order information listing cargo that needs to be optimally placed in the vehicle. For example, SAP, 1C, Solvo and other systems.

 The integration enables users to:

  • upload data to TruckLoader without file sharing
  • receive the loading scheme automatically within a few seconds (automatic program calculation mode)
  • select tasks for loading and automatically receive a set of goods and a vehicle in the loading list (manual program calculation mode)
  • Accurately account for all the nuances of loading and composition of final documents for the customer.
  • use familiar enterprise software rather than get used to the new program interface
  • keep statistics and save the history of the calculations
  • provide 500 or more loads per day with correctly calculated loading plans


Various integration options are available with the TruckLoader software package:

  1. Automatic – perform auto calculations without the TruckLoader interface. When you apply this integration option, the customer’s information system forms a loading task. It receives a cargo loading scheme (with various presentation formats and a set of results) from the TruckLoaderWS web service. In this case, the user may not run the TruckLoader program if the received loading scheme fits for purpose.
  2. Automated – receive data from WMS and process with minimal operator involvement. The user only needs the initial data sent by the customer’s information system to the server with TruckLoaderWS. The receipt and calculation of this data can also be carried out automatically. The operator only coordinates or adjusts the loading task if required.

Microsoft Internet Information Server (MS IIS) has to be deployed on a server running Windows (included with Windows Components) to apply any of the options. The user has to setup and install the required TruckLoaderWS library. The server can be physically located either on the customer’s local network or the internet.

We have successfully implemented TruckLoader in automatic mode, which allowed users to systematise shipments and raise their quality and volume.”


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